A coalition to defend #ourNHS

Keep Our NHS Public

We are here to keep this country's greatest public treasure – our NHS – from falling into the wrong hands and falling apart. We are fighting for the fairest way of sharing out the best care for everyone. To keep our NHS public. Join us.

We are fighting the use of private health services and cuts to the NHS with over 40 KONP groups all over the country. So the NHS isn't just protected from further attacks but is the publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable service, available to all on the basis of need, that people have known for a lifetime.

Our aims are specific and achievable. This is no 'woolly' debate. We are fighting to:
  • End NHS privatisation - bring back government responsibility for the NHS, and return the NHS to government ownership, making the government accountable for it. The present law means none of this is currently true.
  • Repeal the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and reverse all Foundation Trust (FT) plans by making the NHS Bill written by Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick law.
  • End compulsory competition for NHS contracts - which wastes millions in public money.
  • Reject the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the NHS.
  • Fund a 4% increase in NHS budgets, in real terms, yearly - paid for by taxation - to give us back a comprehensive, publicly provided NHS, with safe staffing levels and fair conditions for staff.
  • Stop cuts to services based on cost. Make sure these are done through clinical need, backed by evidence and subject to public consultation that is meaningful and not just endorsement of plans.
  • Stop any new private finance initiatives (PFIs) and set up independent reviews to look at reducing the existing PFI debts, which saddle the taxpayer with years of debt, and all the risk if these schemes fail.
You can do a lot to stop the NHS from being privatised:
  • Join us. Get others to join. Set up a local branch if there isn't one.
  • Make a donation to KONP.
  • Organise a local meeting - contact us for a speaker.
  • Write to your local paper, radio station or local blog site - contact us for advice.
  • Ask us - we will help you.
  • Write to your MP, or lobby local MPs and coucillors demanding a halt to cuts and privatisation.
  • Help us build a movement big enough to force a change.
Visit the Keep Our NHS Public website

PRESS RELEASE on Junior Doctors' strike vote

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